
Specifies configurations for pre-generated data that should be prepared for each scanned image right after it's scanned.

Name Type Description
originalImageFile DeliverablesConfig

Specifies encrypted local file generation settings for source image, i.e. image received from scanner and before any image processing applied.

When specified, encrypted local file will be generated for each scanned image, as it was received from scanner, and identified of that local file will be passed using localFile property of the image object in {onImageAcquiredCallback| onImageAcquired} handler.

[localFile] DeliverablesConfig

Encrypted local file generation settings. When specified, encrypted local file will be generated for each scanned image and identified of that local file will be passed using localFile property of the image object in {onImageAcquiredCallback| onImageAcquired} handler.

[thumbnail] DeliverablesThumbnailConfig

Pre-generated thumbnail configuration.

If specified, thumbnail image will be generated. If thumbnail is requested using BaseImage.thumbnail API with the same parameters, the pre-generated data will be used and no additional round-trip to server is required.